Definition of Bowie knife

1. Noun. A stout hunting knife with a single edge.

Generic synonyms: Knife

Definition of Bowie knife

1. Noun. A large sheath knife. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Bowie Knife

Bowden cable
Bowden cables
Bowditch's law
Bowditch effect
Bowen's precancerous dermatosis
Bowenoid cells
Bowie's stain
Bowie knife
Bowie knives
Bowiea volubilis
Bowman's capsule
Bowman's capsules
Bowman's disks
Bowman's gland
Bowman's muscle
Bowman's probe
Bowman's space
Bowman's theory

Literary usage of Bowie knife

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. An American Glossary by Richard Hopwood Thornton (1912)
"Bowie, Bowie knife—contd. 1839 The Virginians still maintained their position by force, and presented bowie knives, dirks, &c., threatening the lives of all ..."

2. A Woman's Story of Pioneer Illinois by Christiana Holmes Tillson (1919)
"bread in his hand, and with his foot he kicked along a chair until he reached his wife, and seating himself by her side he took out a long bowie knife and ..."

3. Texas: The Rise, Progress, and Prospects of the Republic of Texas by William Kennedy (1841)
"... rencounter with Texan Indians—The Bowie knife— Meeting of the General Consultation of Texas—Election of a Provisional Government—The Grass Fight—Affair ..."

4. A Diary in America,: With Remarks on Its Institutions. by Frederick Marryat (1839)
"Colonel Nichols wished to fight with pistols, but the Bowies preferred the Bowie knife. The following are the terms of the duel as proposed. ..."

5. A Run Through the United States, During the Autumn of 1840 by Archibald Montgomery Maxwell (1841)
"... Union too extended to endure—Colonel Bankhead—Banks of the Niagara— Navy Island—Fort Schlosser—Major Zantzinger— Kentucky Manners—Bowie knife — Sicilian ..."

6. St. Louis' Isle, Or Texiana: With Additional Observations Made in the United by Charles Hooton (1847)
"HAVING already mentioned the bowie-knife, as not only so common but so formidable a weapon, both in Texas and the whole South, the reader will perhaps not ..."

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